Friday, August 14, 2009


We had dreams. Some of those dreams came to pass, others didn't. But we keep dreaming.

When I was little there was a time where I wanted to be a ballerina, and John had wanted to be a pilot.
I wanted to be a surgeon, then a nurse (among other things). I even started taking classes to achieve that. But I wanted to be a wife even more. And a mother. I wanted a home and garden, a husband and babies of my own, a place where I could create beauty and take care of the ones I love.

Some of those dreams will never become real. Some of them have. Some of them are in progress, becoming reality. There are some, though, that are still so far from becoming real that it takes all the hope that is in me to keep them alive. Because, "hope does not disappoint us..." (Ro 5:5) and "God is faithful ..." (I Cor 1:9).

(the little tag in the frame says "dream")
But as for me, I will always have hope;
I will praise You more and more.
My mouth will tell of Your righteousness,
of Your salvation all day long,
though I know not its measure.
-ps. 71:14-15

1 comment:

Jane said...

This is what I love about you, Lizzie, that you do not complain while you are hoping. I tend to squeak and sometimes even squawk when I can't have my own way "just yet". How did you become more mature than your mama in that area? Hmmm???

(By the way, as much as you are hoping for a little house to make your own, we are hoping and praying that it will be close enough so we can visit you and babysit now-and-then! Now THAT's hope!)

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