"God began to teach me that there is a huge difference between "entertaining" and offering hospitality. Entertaining puts the emphasis on you and how you can impress others. Offering hospitality puts the emphasis on others and strives to meet their physical and spiritual needs so that they feel refreshed, not impressed, when they leave your home.
"...like so much of life, it all comes down to the motives of your heart. Are you trying to impress others, ... [o]r are you trying to refresh them and point them toward the Lord?"
-Karen Ehman, A Life That Says Welcome
This quote thoroughly resonated with me, and I practically stumbled upon it!
It happened as I was moseying my way through Amazon, clicking on the "if you liked this you might like this" links, found this book (which had a "search this book" option, so I thought I would electronically thumb through it). Wow. It looks really good, well written and scriptural, her writing style is conversational yet concise, and inspiring. But our library doesn't have it, so I'm putting it on my wish list. Of course, I could also pull out a few of the other books discussing hospitality that I have around someplace...
Hey Lizzie!
Thanks for sharing that. I had really never thought about that before...it definitely is a good thing to think about.
Thanks, that does look like a really good book. Have to add it to my wish list too.
Lizzie, could you email me your new mailing address-I have a little something for baby and would like to put it in the mail soon. We'll be checking the blog to hear news of the birth-blessings!
How exciting about your baby! I'm very happy for you. Sounds like he/she will be born blessed!
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